Monday, November 19, 2012

Rebekah Lucy Loves Dan Smith

Today is a great and wondrous Monday because @dansmithism liked one of my photos on Instagram. The photo in question is a cute little tin of golden syrup which LP actually chose (props where props due) but I’ll take what I can get when it comes to the King Of Old School Cool. Would I have preferred him to like a photo of my amazing face? Sure. But beggars can't be choosers and all that. 
I know right?

To be fair, it is a total work of art.
I had the pleasure of a brief (and slightly giggly) (on my part, not his surprisingly) conversation with Dan Smith at the London Tattoo convention earlier this year. I’ve never really fangirled over anyone before and it was... odd to be that person idiot. I may or may not have waved at him. (I did.) (It was awkward.) But he was ace - friendly and polite, happy to 'bond' briefly over our Kiwi connection. And he looked great too - man alive does he have excellent eyebrows. I said to LP today that if he and his wife ever have a baby "it will probably come out shaped like a very good eyebrow." Which is actually kind of creepy (again) but you get the point. Good eyebrows: they have them.
Meeting and greeting. Terrible photo of me and my fringe. Excellent photo of Dan and his eyebrows.
I would genuinely love to be tattooed by Dan one day. His work is beautiful - and I love simple, clean, traditional tattoos which... look like tattoos. I was in contact with his assistant some time ago, and now that we're interacting with each other on Instagram it's basically A Sure Thing. So, watch this space...
PS. Instagram rules. If you're not already on it you should be. Follow me @rebekahlucylovesinstagram.

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